Friday, November 12, 2010

Lets talk about poop....

I had another leftover day, with the exception of a visit to a new store with a great variety of vegan goodies, but more on that later.

Poop. Lets have a little talk....I want to give a quick history of my intestinal troubles. Even as a little girl, I had problems with an "upset tummy". If a big test, or big event came up, so did the the tummy. Finally, after taking my board exams to get my Manicurist license, I had the mother of all episodes. It was like passing glass. I was sure that with all the pain, I should have had a baby to show for being so miserable. And it was coming out from both ends. After 3 hours with no change, I had the hubby take me to the ER. 2 bags of fluids and IV Phenegran later, I was sent home. Unconscious. For 2 days. At the follow up doctors appointment, she told me that I had IBS. Irritable Bowel Syndrome:

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) refers to a disorder of the lower intestinal tract. It involves abdominal pain and abnormal bowel movements. Emotional stress often makes the symptoms worse.

Yeah, that just summed up my intestinal history. So now I am doing the vegan thing, and I have noticed that I am regular. Very. I think I am normal pooping person normal. Excellent! Maybe I will stick with this....

Now back to this rockin' new (to me) food store here in Austin: Wheatsville Co-op. They are small, but don't let that fool you, I has an amazing selection of sweet snacks, prepared foods, and refrigerated vegan product to make any vegan squeal like a little girl, or like me. I now have an option for T-day dinner, Gardin's Turkey Roll. I think that is what it is called. It has stuffing in the middle! Yea! I can hardly wait....but I can wait to tell my mother about this. That whole experience will definitely be another post....

1 comment:

  1. said, 'poop'. :-)

    can't wait to drag you to Wheatsville again...i seriously *heart* that place!
